Sunday Morning Worship
Beginning at 9:30am

Order of Worship – September 15th>

Opening Video
 Opening Song: Great Things
Call to Worship: Psalm 101: 1-3 – Hillary VanDerMolen
 Song: Trust in God
 Song: While I Wait
Kids Come ForwardLauren Vellenga
Mutual Greeting (252 Kids Dismissed to Class)
Announcements & Congregational Prayer – John Amels
Offertory – Whom Shall I Fear?  
Message: “Stepping Into God’s Plan” Nehemiah 2
Rev. Dave Lyman

Closing Song:  He Leadaeth Me
Doxology: He Leadeth Me

After the worship service concludes, all are welcome to join us in the church Lobby for a time of fellowship and refreshment. Youth (6th-10th grade) will be meeting in the classroom under the stairs for Catechism class.

September Second Offering Schedule:
8th – Resonate 
15th – Faith Promise
22nd – All4Jesus Ministries 
29th – Spanish Church Plant

This Week:

  • Monday, September 16th – 7pm Women’s Stitch or Chat
  • Monday, September 16th – 7pm Cadets Planning Meeting (Parents Encouraged to Attend)
  • Friday, September 20th - CHCM Annual Golf Outing
  • Friday, September 20th - 6:30pm Spanish Bible Study

Upcoming Events:

  • September 21st – Pastor Skip Collier Preaching
  • September 24th – 7pm GEMS & Cadets Kid’s Club Begins!
  • September 25th – 4:30pm Goshen Christian Preschool Fish & Chips Fundraiser
  • September 26th – 7:30pm Youth Group Fall Kickoff (Grades 8-12)
  • October 4th - 10am to 4pm Blood Drive with the American Red Cross (sign up at )
  • October 6th – Baptism of Matthew Gove (presented by Skyler & Kimberly Gove)


This summer went way too fast. We’re thankful to be settled, kids in school, church life is a healthy challenge, but we miss our Goshen Church family and friends. Please keep in touch – our address is 10237 Clubhouse Turn Road, Wellington, FL 33449 – (it’s a nice place to visit!) Same phone/email. With Love, the Sutter family.

Christ Health Care Ministries is holding its 9th annual golf outing on September 20th at The Golf Club at Tarry Brae. It will be an 8:00am shotgun start with both breakfast and lunch provided. We are looking forward to a day to both celebrate and support this much needed ministry. All proceeds benefit the Christ Health Care Ministry which facilitates free health care services for adults without healthcare insurance. Register at or contact Henry Vogel at (610) 349-0164 or Gilbert Varelas at [email protected].

The Goshen Christian Preschool is partnering with Tastefully British and hosting a drive-thru Fish and Chip Dinner Fundraiser on Wednesday, September 25th from 4:30pm- 6:30pm! For $17.00 your dinner will include a serving of fish (or chicken fingers), french fries, coleslaw, & roll. Reserve your dinner today by using the QR code to the left or visiting Any questions please reach out to Jessica Verblaauw (845) 591-5200. Thank you for supporting our school!

Goshen Christian Preschool is excited to announce our next Mommy and Me session starting September 25th! This program is designed for children (ages 20 months to 3 years old) accompanied by an adult as an opportunity to enjoy a meaningful time of interaction in the preschool environment. Join us on Wednesday mornings (September 25, October 2, 9, 16) from 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m. for circle time, art projects, stories, music, large motor movement, and fun! The cost is $50.00 in total, please email [email protected] for an application!

The Deacons are announcing an opening for a bookkeeper for the church. Lori has expressed her desire to retire from the position.
The bookkeeper position requires a good working knowledge of both the Quickbooks program and also Excel Spreadsheet. Duties include twice monthly payroll prep, bill payments, recording and redistributing collections, tally and recording of on-line contributions, reconciliation of all church accounts including Spanish church, and other duties as needed. If interested, please see any Deacon for more information.

Nursery Staff:
September 15th - Jolene Larsen & Girls
September 22nd - Amber Goudreau & Jessica DeVries
September 29th - Marci Wade, Sawyer Vellenga & Hanna DeBlock
October 6th - Britanni & Harleigh Gaucher

Coffee Hour:

September 15th Jim & Joyce Amels
September 22nd Bryce & Shayna Kostenbader
September 29th David & Morgan Amels
October 6th Chuck & Jo Rowe