Sunday Worship Online & Announcements
Sundays at 9:30am

Order of Worship – July 21st

Opening Video
 Opening Song: Filled With Glory
Call to Worship: Psalm 96: 11-13 – Gencina Vitoulis
 Song:  Joy of the Lord
Song: Forever Reign
Mutual Greeting (252 Kids Dismissed to Class)
Announcements & Congregational Prayer  - Henry Vogel
Offertory – Missionary Update
Message: “Bear The Name” Exodus 20:7 Pastor Joey Wright
Closing Song:  Christ Be Magnified
Doxology: Christ Be Magnified

After the worship service concludes, all are welcome to join us in the church Lobby for a time of fellowship and refreshment.

July Second Offering Schedule:
14th – Parking Lot Fund 21st – Faith Promise 28th – CHCM

This Week:

  • Monday, 22nd – 7pm Women’s Stitch or Chat
  • Thursday, 25th – 7:30pm Youth Group (Grades 7-12)
  • Friday, 26th - 6:30pm Spanish Bible Study


Upcoming Events:

  • July 28th – Rev. David Lyman Preaching
  • July 29th – 7pm Deacon’s Meeting
  • July 30th – 7:30pm The Bridge (Young Adult’s Bible Study)
  • August 2nd – 10am to 4pm Blood Drive in Youth Building
  • August 5th-10th – Campus Parking Lot Closed for Re-Paving Project
  • August 11th – 11:30am Griefshare
  • August 14th – 7pm Council Meeting
  • August 21st – 7:30pm Prayer Meeting / Elders to Follow

What’s next after the memorial service? For many people who have lost loved ones, the feelings of loss only get worse.
The mourning continues or gets covered up in unhelpful ways.
Goshen Christian Reformed Church is sponsoring a program called GriefShare – it’s a national program that helps people heal from the pain of grief. The program features valuable video teaching from experts and experienced counselors as well as a workbook to help each person work through their own story and a group of people in similar situations to talk with.
Join us beginning August 11th from 11:30am - 1:30pm in the Church Basement at the Goshen Christian Reformed Church. Visit to register. Cost is $10 for materials. Please see Deb French or complete the Connection Card for more information.

We will be hosting our next Blood Drive with The Red Cross on Friday, August 2nd in the Youth Building. There is an immediate need for donors! Not available that day? Our next Blood Drive is scheduled for September 6th. Sign up for any Blood Drive https://www.Goshen.Church/RedCross.

 FREE GIFT: Reading the Bible is one of the best ways to know God better. If you don’t have a copy of the Bible, we’d like to give you a copy free of charge to read and learn more about God. Look for the orange New Testaments in the back of the sanctuary.

Nursery Staff:

July 21st - Marci Wade & Sawyer Vellenga
July 28th - Britanni & Harleigh Gaucher
August 4th - Anne Amels & Morgan Amels
August 11th - Betsy & Vikki VanDerMolen

Coffee Hour:

July 21st - John & Anne Amels
July 28th - Hans & Clara Persoon
August 4th - Karen VanEeuwen
August 11th - Linda VDW & Betsy Yntema